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Updated: Nov 10, 2022

Descending to the city

over the bed of a ravelling ropy river

flanked with bare poplars and clumps of dry grass

as it cuts across a geometry

of green and orange squares,

lines of trees and oval horse tracks,

a river drawn down scoring its own course

to end at the levelling ocean;

the tip of a wing dip

a pop of pressure in one ear

and a change in the engine drone

extract me again from my book

and for a moment I wrestle my focus

from a broadly congested life

to the constricted world

of a frail


in a bed

in a small

private hospital

waiting for my visit

waiting to the end.

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Updated: Nov 10, 2022

When you go with a list of four problems

but the doctor has time for just two,

when you’ve scraped up his fee since last pay day

and there’s scarcely enough left for food,

how does it feel to be bound to a wheel

in a life as surreal as a circus?

When the bruise on your face is less painful

than the shame of which you can’t speak,

when the doctor just offers you Panadol,

then asks you if you still smoke,

how does it feel to be bound to a wheel

in a life as surreal as a circus?

When you wanted to talk of depression

but the kids scream and fight in the corner,

when the din makes it hard to be heard

so you mention instead your sore shoulder,

how does it feel to be bound to a wheel

in a life as surreal as a circus?

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Updated: Nov 10, 2022

The yin and yang

of silver and black

play on the liquid

inlet at dawn


sliding over tides of thought

a rippling

through ears and eyes

the soft slap and dip

of prow and paddle

finding rhythm

in water and mind

and an easing

but not to make easy

as I work the current

holding a line

past some royal spoonbills

that change legs like a child

needing to pee

glancing to the left

then right

feigning nonchalance

restless for me to pass

in peace

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